GPC Europeans 2018 Nancy: Closing date

 Today (1st of May) is the closing date for team lists & entry fees to be submitted by nations for the European Championships before a late penalty applies. For information, click to the "logo Eeropean Championships" on the right.

Results from Visegrad World Cup

Results from the V4 Visegad World Cup 20148 (Gyor) were placed on GPC Google. To enter, click on the logo "Results" on the right side of this page and then click the folder "2018" and the "V4 Visegrad World Cup"

GPC Europeans 2018 Nancy: Closing Date is approaching

Notice: Closing date of GPC Europeans championship 2018 in Nancy is 1st May 2018! For information, click to the "logo Eeropean Championships" on the right.


  • Jennifer Joy Milirion -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Libor Hurdálek -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
