Happy New Year 2022

Written by Libor Hurdálek. Posted in Various.

Happy New Year 2022 to all of our national federations and members. We hope that 2022 proves to be the year when everything returns to normal, when all planned competitions can go ahead, when people can train & travel as normal and all members remain safe and well.

GPC Championships 2022

Written by Libor Hurdálek. Posted in Various.

GPC Eropean Championships 2022 - Odesa (Ukraina), in May 2022

GPC World Championships 2022 - Trnava (Slovakia) , 17th – 23rd October 2022

GPG European Championships 2022 Odesa: The championship will be held in Odessa, Dmytro Hotlashov and Vadym Kotsaga will be the organizer. The competition will be held at the beach. The airport is 25 minutes away & downtown Odessa is 20 minutes away; Ukraine is visa free for many countries. They have sufficient equipment and a great venue. The organisers have run several international events. Vadym Kostaga worked with Hovhannes on the 2021 worlds.


GPC World Championships 2022 Trnava: The 2022 World Championships will be


  • Jennifer Joy Milirion -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Libor Hurdálek -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
