new gpc slovakia committee

Written by Libor Hurdálek. Posted in Various.

  President Julia Popa

  • Vice President Jan Orosz
  • Committee member Peter Milhaly, Jan Matej .
  • Advisor Libor Hurdalek .

Board GPC has decided to publish the letter to clarify the situation  regarding the ownership of the GPC license in Slovakia:


" Dear Lubos

 The GPC Board recently made a unanimous decision not to award the GPC Licence for Slovakia to you for 2019.

This decision has been made because of a number of reasons.

  • We have had complaints that lifters are being denied membership including our former GPC European Vice President who is a life member of GPC – Mr Jan Matej.

  • There have been reports that lifters are interested in joining GPC but not under your leadership and we want GPC in all our affiliations to be inclusive of all lifters who want to lift GPC.

  • You have been promoting other federations at GPC championships, even asking at the AGM that we select dates and nations for World Championships to fit in with the calendar of another federation.

  • It is not appropriate that you appear under the influence of alcohol while officiating at competitions or at meetings. This has made reasoning with you very difficult for all concerned.

The GPC Licence will be awarded to another committee for 2019 who will work together to produce the World Championships in 2019.

Lee Marshall

GPC President"


  • Jennifer Joy Milirion -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Libor Hurdálek -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
