2015 world championships information

Written by Libor Hurdálek. Posted in World Championships.

2015 world championships information has been inserted into chapter "Championships- Forms". Click here: 2015 Worlds Information
Please note that the team list and entry fee must reach the organiser Jesse Rodgers by the 1st August or a late fee applies to each lifter on the list.
  • All lifters from your nation must be included on the team list. 
  • Lifters from non-affiliated countries can make an application to join the GPC and if accepted, can enter as an individual GPC member.
  •  If lifters need a VISA for the USA, there is a form to request a VISA support letter on the GPC Website under downloads.
  •  The Entry form will not be put on the GPC Website as lifters must enter through their national federation (or can contact me in relation to individual membership)


  • Jennifer Joy Milirion -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Libor Hurdálek -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
